Abstract submission


Call for Poster presentations

Sponsored by ASA Biopharmaceutical Section

Abstract submission is now open for poster presentations at the 2024 NESS Pharmaceutical Data Science conference. We invite submissions from students and professionals to showcase their work related to pharmaceutical data science. Prizes will be awarded for outstanding poster presentations.

Due to space constraints, a limited number of submissions will be accepted. To apply, please submit a title and abstract in below by March 11, 2024. Accepted participants will be notified by March 12. Due to space constraints, posters can be at most 36 inches tall and 48 inches wide. Accepted poster presenters must register for the conference in order to attend.

The New England Statistical Society Pharmaceutical Data Science Conference will be held on March 18th and 19th at the University of Connecticut. We anticipate that the poster session will be held at noon on March 18th.

* required